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For a time of
Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer
April 30th, 2024
Listen to Ps Jeff, telling us of WHY APRIL 30th ?
Why April 30 each year for a National Day of Repentance? That was the day when George Washington was inaugurated in 1789 and said "so help me, GOD!" and boldly called for "the sacred fire of Liberty" to be the foundation of the United States.
Many of our founders were born again Christians believing rightfully that the "sacred fire of Liberty" was the Liberty given by Messiah/Christ's Blood, Luke 4.
April 30 was also one of 3 days in the Civil War when Lincoln called for "Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer" since "we have forgotten God."
And again April 30 was chosen for a Day of Humiliation Fasting and Prayer on April 30, 1974, but the Day was not held given the impeachment proceedings against Nixon.
Psalm 66:18 tells us that God won't hear our prayers if there's iniquity in our hearts... Thus repentance should precede prayer..!
And April 30 always precedes our National Day of Prayer the first Thursday in May each year.
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As the Lord continues to shake all that can be shaken in all nations, many are sensing the need to get ready for His soon coming.
The word says in Ephesians 5:27 that the Lord, having loved the church and given Himself for her, has sanctified and cleansed her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.
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Why April 30th ?
On April 30, 1789 America's first President, George Washington, took the oath of office, humbly adding "so help me, God" to the oath. After a short inaugural address in which he honored God's miracles in bringing the United States of America into being, President Washington then led members of Congress to a nearby church where they kneeled and again humbly honored the Living God for His Hand in the creation of the United States of America.
April 30 was also the Day called for in 1974 by Senator Mark Hatfield, given the national scandal of Watergate.
A devout Christian, the Senator called on God's Solution, 2 Chronicles 7: 13-14, using the very words President Lincoln used in 1863. The Senate Resolution passed unanimously, but was never adopted by the House of Representatives. The National Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer was not held on April 30, 1974.
There have been days of national prayer each year, but no other call for National Repentance has been issued from Congress or the White House since 1974!!
Thus at the grassroots in America, it's again time for:
America Kneels on April 30, 2024,
And every April 30th thereafter until the Lord returns.
Will enough Americans who are called by His Name humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn---really repent---from their wicked ways, so that He will hear from heaven, forgive sin and heal their land?
Only the Holy Spirit will know the right number--- but even a small number may work, given the Lord wanting only 300 to help Gideon. God used those without fear and those who got down on their knees and lapped, putting their hands in the water to their mouth, so that God rightfully would receive ALL the glory for delivering any nation.
The goal for America Kneels on April 30th, 2024, given an estimated 330 million Americans, is for at least 33,000 - one out of every 10,000 Americans - and at least one person from every state to sign up and actually spend time at some point, one on One, repenting to God on April 30th.
Is this God-based strategy speaking to you! Are you an American? Will you be that one out of 10,000, who, without fear, will be kneeling and repenting to God ?
And which nation will be next? Will it be Canada Kneels? Australia Kneels?
May the LORD touch many in many nations with the insight into God's Gift of Repentance and God's Solution to heal a land.
Interested in Arranging A Day of Humiliation, Fasting & Prayer in YOUR Country ?
Then make that Commitment, and Register Your Country